Disc to the Future 2
Disc to the Future Part II Programmer's Reference (Wayzata Technology)(6013)(1992).bin
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RSC_Viewer : a tool to dump, disassemble and patch Macintosh resources.
Version 4.6.2
Ñ Many bugs corrected :
╤ symbols were not correctly displayed for non 'CODE' resources.
╤ MOVE.B is no more disassembled as MOVE.W !!!
Version 5.0
Ñ Speed up of many algorithms has been increased (included window
Ñ New features :
╤ Cursor keys available under Patch mode.
╤ Automatic scrolling of text when the user is making a selection and
drags the cursor out of the view rectangle.
╤ Application settings are now stored in a file (see documentation).
╤ New menu item : Get File Info╔ which list the main attributs of any file.
However you are not able to modify them yet.
Ñ Some new bugs...
Version 5.1
Ñ Better handling of limit cases (run out of memory, etc).
Ñ some bugs corrected and some new bugs introduced!
Version 5.2
Ñ Many bugs corrected :
╤ Some op-codes where badly disaseembled (e.g. EOR in place of CMP).
This is no more true.
╤ The Save Resource╔ item (in menu File) was buggy. This no more true.
Ñ New features :
╤ Enhanced version of the Resource Table dialog (see the documentation).
╤ If symbols loading process is going to take a long time, the program
asks for a confirmation before proceeding.
Ñ Seems to work under Appleshare.
Ñ Get FIle Info╔ item now works fully.
Ñ New traps, and new global variables added (for System 7).
Ñ Interface has been improved a little bit (dialog buttons are more precise,
lists of items do not flash thoughtlessly, etc).
Ñ etc╔ (read the documentation !)
Version 6.1
Ñ Many bugs corrected :
╤ Some op-codes where still badly disaseembled.
This is no more true (I hope !).
╤ Under some System 7 configuration, it was not possible to load the
application settings file.
Ñ The Cmd-K keybord equivalent is now for the Write Resource item (in
the Rsrc menu) instead of the Mini Calc item (in the Misc menu).
Ñ There is now an ASSEMBLER in patch mode (whaooh╔). However a few
instructions are not understood yet (see documentation).
Ñ setting some trap bits has become painless : you simply use the
corresponding names (SYS, CLEAR, MARK, NEWOS, AUTOPOP, etc).
Ñ Get FIle Info╔ item has been still improved.
Ñ New item get Rsrc List for this File in the File Menu that allows you
to easily select and view an other resource type.
Ñ Help dialog have been greatly improved.
Ñ And of course, some new bugs have certainly been introduced!
Version 6.2
Ñ Filter item (in the File menu) has been integrated into the Standard File
package dialog box.
Ñ You can get information about Alias files (System 7 feature).
Ñ Dialogs are now correctly updated when they receive an update or
activate event.